Please feel free to contact Derek Tarr for questions or concerns regarding benefits that are available for Veterans and their families.
Contact Us
Blackford County
110 West Washington Street
Hartford City, IN 47348
Monday and Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday 8:00 a.m. - Noon
(Tuesday and Thursday by appointment)
Veterans with service-connected illnesses or injuries are eligible for monthly payments, called disability compensation. The disability must have been incurred or aggravated during active military service. Furthermore, the veteran's military service must have been terminated through separation or discharge under conditions that were other than dishonorable.
Disability compensation varies according to the degree of disability and the number of dependents. Benefits are not subject to Federal or state income tax.
The disability ratings range from 0 to 100% and the compensation is figured based on the percentage of the rating. For example in 2017 a rating of 10% would mean the Veteran would receive $133.57 per month from the Veterans Administration in addition to other benefits.
Veterans with disability ratings between 30 and 100% are also eligible for monthly allowances for each child.
In addition to the compensation program described above, Veterans may be eligible for the full range of other benefits offered by VA and the State of Indiana including education and training, vocational rehabilitation, home loan guarantees, life insurance, pension, burial benefits and more.
To learn more about these and other programs for Veterans, contact the Blackford County Veterans Affairs Service Office at 765 348-3151